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    Navigation Home Log Photos Friends music collection on my blog log 【Reference】 [original] Chi Hong, Purdue (6), Esoteric Lamaism 【Reference】 The lecture video 【Reference】 false views feminine taste in the end is what the hearts of mankind 2011-03-04 16:15:01 0 Comments 0 read font size: medium and small subscription
    This article refers to Since Bowen,

    world where women will be wandering in between the lady and the bitch. Nature is a bitch no one wants, but to do an elegant woman, a woman with taste, it is the same thing every woman beautiful dream. Not only that, also called ladies man back, how many men as women lost in the gentle sigh.
    do women must be feminine, feminine is a woman's fundamental properties, is a woman's feminine charm. Femininity, like loss of scented flowers, the moon lost Seiki. Women flavored, one-third may be increased to seven beautiful; woman tasteless, seven pretty down to three points. Feminine women to aspire to, make a man intoxicated. Men without exception, the women will like flavored; woman to conquer a man, not woman's beauty, but her feminine.
    have a feminine woman. Whether the senior white-collar or housewife,vibram five fingers, a woman must first feminine, indispensable to a woman should be gentle, meek, virtuous, careful, considerate. Superwoman cute, little woman can not love. As a woman and the lack of femininity, the same as in the minds of the men sentenced to death. Feminine is a woman of charm, like the expensive dishes, itself did not taste, a taste of the flavoring. Feminine of a flame of fire, light the light. Is a feminine wine, remained intact incense, sip port and was drunken.
    avant-garde is not feminine, do not think wearing strange pieces of clothing there is the smell, this taste is a Rich women do not necessarily feminine. Material piled up does not come out feminine, cosmetics can bring a woman's skin, such women both rich more than the lack of atmosphere, mood is insufficient dull. Beautiful woman is not necessarily feminine, but a woman must be beautiful flavored. Petals of a flower may be enchanting, colorful, but not necessarily subtle fragrance floating, slanting crosswise. Beautiful appearance is the most unreliable and beautiful appearance will be time to gear worn and dull. Fragile is not feminine. The women are not sickly flavored Italian careless careless, young, healthy woman flavored, ruddy skin, energetic, ever brilliant, brilliant still.
    has feminine and easy, without a certain cultural background, training level, life experience, not cooking the intoxicating taste. First of all feminine beauty from her body. Figure soft, Rubao black hair, skin like snow woman, plus a quiet lake-like wavefront,insanity dvd, rose-like charming smile, her feminine will be blowing. More feminine and they come from inside. Femininity is a lake under the moonlight, to be still blooming lily. This woman, a woman is a crystal clear, a gentle enough woman, a savvy woman. Also from a woman feminine virtue. No good woman, even though her startling beauty, even if she talented, lovely woman is not good.
    feminine, quiet if Qingchi, moving like ripples. Mr. Zhu Ziqing have had such a description of the woman: a woman has her gentle air, such as listening to Xiaosheng, such as the smell roses, water like honey, smoke Si Wu, hanging over us, one of her proudly, a stretch, skimming hair, a blink of an eye, are as sweet as honey in the flow of water in the swing ... ... a woman's smile is half-open flowers, which Liu Yizhuo poetry and painting, as well as silent music.
    now is a feminine taste. The woman did not taste, either you how to practice can only be plain white. Feminine woman, she was willing to learn, handle every day reported, often online, but not all obsessed with fashion magazines and gossip; Literature, have covered, occasionally like to watch popular movies, but not limited to plot the eye, but seen from the to something different. Perhaps she will learn English, practice your calligraphy, learning the tea ceremony, flower arranging, and thought yoga. Wide range of interests, the accumulation of her introverted mind. To their own intrinsic qualities captivating woman, is the most feminine woman.
    now is a feminine fragrance. This refers not only to the body exudes a scent of incense, otherwise, a bottle of perfume will be able to solve the feminine. This fragrance is emitted from the inside out a charming atmosphere, people see to think she is a fragrance. Her slim, allowing the city to become spiritual full of gray. She was busy, but never without sorrow face, and then tension is also a natural smile hee, was inadvertently distributed a delicate aroma of melancholy. Her easy-going kind, everyone is willing to get close to her, even the most intimate emotional issues, would say to her. Chat with her, often to the inspiration of your life, so calm you, teach you to feel the beauty of life and hope.
    feminine is an elegant taste. One kind of elegant, a kind of calm, a quiet life on life's leisurely pursuit. Has an independent personality, independent economic support, independent realm of thought. Once detached many women will lose money, elegant, feminine woman also loves money, but there is no stench, others look at her money in the process is a pleasure, even the love of money love her elegance, make money to buy their own flowers to wear. Ya taste of a woman is this: makeup is makeup, so very appropriate to the pleasant smile, love is persistent, no matter what the occasion, she can take to
    now is a feminine charm. Gentleness is a woman-specific weapons. Feminine woman is what tenderness, her love yourself, love others more. She is a spring rain, moisten things silently; her autumn wind, fanning your face. She is the female-specific mood, open-minded to embrace the whole world. Not only is women's Jiaohan gentle and charming, as well as maternal kindness, concern, kindness. Women play the most touching is gentle, not artificial, like a delicate hand, Zhilengzhire, know know light weight, understanding man's thinking, understand the man's joy, just lightly touch, give a man tired to timely and soothe the mind. now is a shame
    feminine taste. She spoke no chatter, things do not catch on, others do not Taidalielie. There are degrees of everything, a bit ashamed state. Shame is not a weak performance of state, it is precisely clear to the United States, the most capable of arousing men Lianxiangxiyu mentality. Her modesty of the action language, tenderness Feelings eyes, smiling expression, Yitaiwanfang manners, lovely face, always worth a thousand words. Performance
    feminine is an endeavor. Is mysterious, slowly, touching, elusive, in-depth bone marrow, is distracted. It has no shape, no set, the temptation is to moisten things silently, the beauty is looming, is dreaming of the inquiry, is to win with fewer wisdom. That every gesture and every word spoken, a glimpse of a smile, goodness and beauty can be described as: million little green from red, moving spring do not need more. Samuume like feminine, elegant aloof, natural beauty; woman taste like roses, aromatic fragrance, exquisite Xiuse; woman taste like cloves, not enchanting charming, handsome is not tender and beautiful; like bluegrass feminine, elegant and refined, outstanding group infinitely deep inside people reveries.
    now is a touching, feminine. Femininity is a lingering flavor. A flirtatious woman, outside of the pots and pans, but also the little house decorated exquisitely delivered, curtains, tablecloths, lace, tassels, bright and clean, even without the flower vase, vase that certainly is there, and do not wipe too Xianchen stained. Or a feminine style, a rhythm from the inside out. Or a silk dress or a silk dress or Kam, beautiful bare legs, the hair high-pull, Fengzi graceful,mac makeup, customs million, share of oriental charm, just like classic flowers, open in the depths of time, do not fade with time of grinding and to So enchanting was so exquisite with so that all men shock.
    Unspoken feminine, hard to explain, it is the taste of a woman's demure, Shu then the gas.
    (more to share please visit: Special medical space http://teyixue.blog.163.com/)

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