
Expert Volleyball players of the highest standing vertical jumping inferior basketball team

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    fact, a variety of dance scores, one is run-up power; one is supplemented by equipment or other technology content; while the other is standing vertical jump. If the vertical comparison of all the sports, then the only fair measure of their jump height to the number of standing vertical jump. Players not present a longitudinal vertical jump height comparison, according to Wu Yun advice many years experience in the new judge, vertical jump height of the maximum to the number of volleyball athletes.
    First, the decision to place an athlete's vertical jump height and explosive jumping ability, but for basketball athletes, most of them with a run-off, so do not fall simply standing vertical jump, The principle is similar to jump off the plane; and volleyball players in the game, the nature of their movement more of its Standing Vertical Jump, the principle is similar to the rocket's launch. As for the high jump high jumper is a technical content, including, unable to make the comparison. Targeted training,nhl hockey, and therefore, according to long-term training of the effect of this one in vertical jump height, volleyball players jump higher.
    by rough statistics,vibram five fingers, the highest vertical jump height (total height minus the height that the distance between the foot and the ground) about 120 to 130 cm determined for women than men by about 40 cm.
    and human jump height limit? Currently no authoritative statement.

