
Qu Chunguang - Founder of Creative Beauty Empire - Interview - China Cosmetics Online

 Current figures: China Global Group President of Al Ain cutting-edge technologies - Mr. Qu Chunguang
China Global Group President of Al Ain cutting-edge technology
Zghzp Editor: Hello Mr. Qu. Heard so much as a see, I still can not believe you are so young, but already the six companies had a. Especially when you are operating a New brand, I'm curious, how did you do in just four years?
Qu Total: Actually, everyone familiar with his area of ​​expertise or success! Is simple: we should move step by step, the sense of hard to do! However, before the offal is more vigilant than others. We can not just walk down, but also looked up! When you do one thing when the choice is more important than the effort! Strategy is more important than the tactics! When I do things normally spend 70% of the time to be strategic, 30% of the time to do something!
Zghzp Editor: very interesting answer. Across the four areas you have, why the end will choose cosmetics industry?
Qu total: From 2001 on, I have done real estate, health care products, advertising, and finally make cosmetics, and cosmetics industry as I eventually selected development goals, because I found the pattern of the domestic cosmetics industry yet to be formed, there are boundless opportunities. For example, total consumption of cosmetics in China is now only just nearly 1,000 billion, and annual sales of Wahaha have been a breakthrough 50 billion; pattern of China's cosmetics market is far from being formed, only the initial stage of the developed countries, with the the growth of the young population and consumption habits change, I think that by 2020 China's cosmetics market will exceed 1 trillion. Nearly 10 times the growth in China really has the strength of a large number of cosmetics companies and brands.
Zghzp Editor: Speaking of the cosmetics industry to have to mention your Beauty empire founded by creative, I know it was the industry as Creative Beauty it?
Qu Total: Using words, ideas Beauty is the most innovative and original cosmetics. Creative Beauty Beauty by the World Association of advocacy, even the ink from the Estee Lauder and Mr. John,mac makeup, Mr. Breton global Yiyin Bu-depth analysis of the cosmetics industry in the current situation and future development of accurate grasp of the trend of the industry's creative beauty makeup is to make the latest scientific research and the most stylish clever fusion of creative ideas in cosmetics, make cosmetics, both the external and internal quality of the image has reached an unparalleled height. We introduce the brand Yen UK creative magic and beauty division and the Box is the perfect combination of makeup, creative makeup by the international cosmetics industry, the United States as trends.
Zghzp edit: how did you choose in our country was founded Creative Beauty?
Qu total: around the year 2000 I helped some cosmetics companies often brand integration planning, and has helped a number of international brands to enter the Chinese market to the case service! These include such as a few one-tenth of similar products, this is because many cosmetics companies do not understand consumers Know better the international brand of China,mac brushes! , if not to change, will to die, because consumers do not understand the industry operators! can not really meet consumer demand! consumers need is a feeling! Like women, with food and clothing is not needed after the increasingly more money and material, the need is the love of family and her husband! because I would like to further get to know the inner world of the consumer, so creative ideas to introduce China Beauty is a revolution in the cosmetics industry, it should be a timely is that the Chinese market needs.
Zghzp Editor: emphasis on the consumer Creative Beauty how to highlight their advantages?
General Qu: You are quite right, creativity is everywhere, but like the world to Al Ain creative ideas such as Beauty and will be based on the foundation that runs through its very rare. For example, Prior to all brands of Chinese cosmetics industry are usually used for the color white, is the
course, Unlike ordinary international brand, Similarly,
If you say the biggest advantage of Creative Beauty, I would like to use one sentence is the highest technology and the most fashionable fusion of creative ideas to create innovative high-quality low-cost selling Beauty storm. Specifically, I would like to Creative Beauty There are 6 major advantages, these advantages are linked together, eventually giving unparalleled creative competitiveness of Beauty.
The first is a timely . From the environment perspective, creativity is the theme of this era, creativity is the brand to survive long, former U.S. President George W. Bush in the 2008 APEC summit, said:
Second, fashion creative: creative concept is one of the core creative Beauty, which gives a unique image of the most striking cosmetics. Creative Beauty products, ideas from the planning to the image of the packaging, are the most creative. Creative fashion brand is like a Box representative of the Chinese market with her first endorsement of the first of its kind animal, endorsement is very appropriate, so that all Chinese women away from the
third, cutting-edge technologies: Global Creative Beauty cosmetics Ain behind by the top skin care laboratory support, and using the world's most cutting-edge skin care technology, such as the anti-aging and senility technology, are the world's first; in addition to high-tech skin care technology, as well as production and processing of high-tech, such as core. You can log www.imse.com.cn more magician Yen eliminate dark circles eye cream, bags under the eyes, eye wrinkles and advanced technologies. (Laughs) Li, I can let you try the first free, first remove your eye lines! .
Fourth cheap: the integration of the most cutting-edge technology, making significant savings in cost, so that low prices for granted, so selling is inevitable.
Fifth noble qualities: high-tech and professional R & D team, so creative Beauty of each product with the highest quality.
behind a professional team of six support: Global Al Ain as a creative and pioneer the author of Beauty has a strong team to support the global Al Ain set for this R & D, marketing, and services 3 major elite teams, brought together from France, South Korea, Japan, 13 cosmetics research and development experts and marketing experts from around the world to establish 96 Creative Beauty Center. Including the development of A strong team behind
Zghzp Editor: highest technology and the most fashionable fusion of creative ideas to create innovative high-quality low-cost selling Beauty storms, well said. Beauty Is this the creative success of the reason it?
Qu total: Yes. Box for high-quality low-cost representation. Ago in Shanghai, Suzhou, do test marketing, which the United States Eye Box products a listing of eight 3 weeks to create a secondary consumption rate of 58% of the sales miracle, refresh a lot of single-store sales at Progressive million records, and sales of 100% active site is a consumer purchase, because her image is too appealing!
Zghzp Editor: Your success as a leader in the cosmetics business, your prospects for the development of Chinese cosmetics market in general?
Qu Total: As the saying goes, With the rapid economic development, China's cosmetics market has also become one of the world's largest emerging market. From the reform and opening up, China's cosmetics market from scratch, from weak to strong, from small to large, has experienced the baptism, like mushrooms grow. Brand is endless, intense market competition Yuyan Yu. MAXAM, Tai Po, Oupo Lai, Long Li Qi, Yan magic division, Box and other domestic and foreign brands continue to emerge. Turbulent skin beauty industry, we are experiencing a large exposure to the industrial New World fission. Had always dreamed of a big storm is about to incoming cosmetics.
Throughout all areas of the market economy, as long as many participants, it will not appear profits! Such as mobile phones, then, bulky cell phones but the value of thousands of ugly. Is it, definitely can not afford low-income cell phone? With the increase of participants, today,blackhawks jerseys, small and powerful mobile phones are sold as Chinese cabbage, the phone has become a necessity for every household. Many of these practitioners blind pursuit of high profits, while ignoring the big cell phone trend will eventually spread, causing the road gets narrower and eventually starve to dead end, the Guards and the line, just disastrous.
cosmetics industry has been seen as high-profit industry, which shows that our industry is not mature, and many practitioners do not change the mentality, is a luxury cosmetics do it? Should not it be universal it? As a daily consumer goods, cosmetics, should be affordable for all, put it as a civilized society lifestyle! In fact, the only universal, and everyone to use, this industry can be a huge development. Of course, this requires changes in attitude in all aspects of the industry, we are pursuing is not a single sale of high profits, but the greater wealth business opportunity! We should see the industry trends, the trend is irreversible, and only by the trend, to win the Italian!
natural selection, survival of the fittest, not those out! The rational consumer is the fuse cosmetics industry consolidation, the future of the channel feedback, will be unusual cruelty, brand-out rate is very high. Cosmetics market is about to blow, how can such a rushing torrent in the footing? There are two points determine our success or failure: the first is our business sales ideas; second is product innovation.
Zghzp Editor: Finally, would like to ask, you say the brand of cosmetics out rate is very high, then your company
Qu Total: Box brand is the response to this major trend, high quality and low price from the start, as its creative product positioning Beauty, as Box's launch of its focus on female beauty has always been the cause of Excellent comment, but also high prices of the cosmetics market of today, too slow a pace of innovation in consumer, is its strategy for the Chinese market after adjusting for precise positioning. You can log www.999cc.com Box site to take a look, no it is not to low-cost high-quality product to win. Meanwhile, the Box to meet the young and the pursuit of consumer fashion, product design has an original, even the country's first tin packaging,vibram 5 fingers, compact and practical, demonstrate the extraordinary personality. Only universal in order to create a large market, we do not do the victims of the high profits the industry. Box will be easy to allow more women to have the United States for the mission, the heart of the China trillion big market! Box joined the cause, adding a new dream of wealth!
listened to your introduction, I am the domestic cosmetics industry is more confident. Yes, Qu total, thank you to accept my interview. Hope your getting better and better creative Empire Beauty, Eye Box also sincerely hope that the success of the United States!

