
Subway cars on the clogged easily prepared convenience slippers shoes being stepped out when the passengers - Sohu News

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subway passengers are often inadvertently found that the total arrayed subway duty room for passengers with a few pairs of plastic slippers. Reporters interviewed only known that one summer, often crowded subway passengers lost sandals, slippers, these plastic can come in handy almost every day. It is understood that apple orchard in the subway station every Monday morning rush hour, there are five pairs of shoes to be squeezed out of more than a month to pick up at least 25 pairs of shoes, the , sandals squeeze the most easily lost items.
train people to go away leaving shoes
folder that Ms. shoes slippers
8 月 9 on the morning 7:30, Monday morning Apple Orchard station passengers always more surprisingly, passengers before a lady foot thick crust red folder means the slippers, waiting, at first glance, many of her platform as the person wearing slippers clip means, which also no shortage of men.
just stop the train stop,mac brushes, this time waiting for passengers have been posted on the train will face the door, just to be able to grab a seat at the departure station. Doors open, the original schedule was to break up a good team moments,mac makeup, people rushed into the room. Squeezed into the last car of the Miss Yu has been unable to scraps, she decided to return to the site to wait for the next car, you can just step out the door she left, rear foot stepped on the shoes I do not know about whom, shoes immediately fell on the car, and this is the door closed when the train slowly left, leaving only the side of wearing only one shoe site before a lady.
owners of apple orchards duty station owners Zhaoshu Yi said the apple orchard station is originating station, as early as seven or eight thousand peak traffic on Monday morning peak passengers off the shoes very much. One reason is that parking time is about 5 seconds, the originating station does not get off passengers, so the original is also lining up passengers ignored the order to open the door for a team of children disappear immediately rushed to rushed to the door, some people want to see more people out of withdrawal, this time the most likely to be squeezed out shoes. Some people say, >
Ms. stiletto shoes children shoes
apple each day to Miss Fang Da Wang Road, take the subway to work, as in foreign work, Miss Fang daily squeeze into the subway wearing high heels . Yesterday 8:00, the train stops, Miss Fang was crowd crammed forward, This was more than she could not even bow. As the door closed, she had one leg stand and returned to the city station.
staff told Miss Fang, her shoes fall into the cracks in the door and the platform, and fell shoes are a high-voltage areas, not immediately hook up, only to be operational at the end of , will track the power to get shoes. A woman points to a pair of female members will soon get to the Miss Fang put on slippers, so spare convenience slippers in the station more than a dozen pairs.
owners of While passengers in the car prompted attention to the foot of the flag, but crowded, or often a passenger,
train did not leave shoes did not go missing
flat shoes men shoes
netizen Metro seamless experience. finally squeezed into the subway, but the subway after each stop, a passenger in the car to undergo Finally, after half an hour of human flesh squeezed, he finally came Taoranting station. Train power outage immediately, the staff came together to put him out of the lira from the cracks. To see him safe and sound, the train has left, and can be left when he found himself on the shoes disappeared.
subway station and the staff of the gap between the door and the height difference of about 5 centimeters, feet sideways on and off the passenger card into the slot in easily.
many sites with convenient slippers
reporter learned from the apple orchard Yuquan Road station to station, each site is equipped with 10 pairs of slippers, the five pairs of men's shoes to facilitate the passengers out of shoes. The Metro Line 5
the Songjiazhuang station, Liujiayao station, Puhuangyu Station, Temple of Heaven East Gate Station, Ciqikou station 5 stations are equipped with two pairs of men each, a pair of slippers for women to prepare for passenger emergency. In response, the station also is equipped with a hook material unified folder, such as wood hollow sticks a hook, one for the clip, through the mechanical principles can be long-distance operations, as far as can stretch to 6 meters.
reporter Song Weiwen and photo
(Editor: news8) away happy network more love to share all network Douban forwarded to: the white society, I Laishuoliangju (0) copy link Print Yang Mi Secret And her blind date 2 months we got married, and you? Internet news website from the beginning Sogou news 10-08-09 * Beijing ushered in rescued uninjured 10-07-30 * Beijing Metro Line 4 delays the signal a number of passengers late for work debugging 10-07-15 * Chengdu prohibits public passenger stripped to the waist with a folding bike on the subway will be fined 10-07-06 * Shanghai A Passengers were caught suspect dragged the body to be killed in the subway (Figure) 10-03-29 * Mao: a pair of slippers to wear to a shoemaker for 20 years would not make breaking (Figure) 10-02-16 * Wang worn during his lifetime industriousness, frugality Slippers memorial 09-12-24 * introduced a pair of slippers shoes owner was sentenced to a lawsuit for compensation caused by picking up one pair of shoes are ten thousand yuan 09-12-21 * 12 years of men's slippers ferret out a murderer fleeing the British duck feet 09-08-13 * seriously wear special slippers new lease of life (Figure) More news on the subway cars on the clogged slippers>> Related recommend the latest pictures sandals slippers slippers slippers slippers, wholesale slippers how to store the hook grape crocs slippers slippers slippers Metro plugging personalized wool slippers Photo related video news China's first inter-city subway project off the assembly line before the Asian Games, Shanghai World Expo overtime subway passenger operations is only 5% of the Moscow subway bombing at least two people were killed and 37 subway bicycle rental Free Car livelihood point of view Beggars are also concerned about current events it seems, to grasp the information will be adaptable ... ... squirrels: Why question the introduction of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Montagnier's Procuratorate of Jilin 3 behind the state compensation claim is not fine medicine disclosure of major national qualification examination unveil details of the follow-up blood lead : Yunnan-year-old boy suspected contamination by fluoride tooth more>> drawings of basketball players in the world makes such a collapse this is really a waste of the body to play basketball ... ...
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