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    Brand Profile:
    South commoner (JNBY) brand respected interpretation of the South commoner (JNBY) of the brand concept.
    South commoner (JNBY) brand design located in such a way of life or respect for knowledge of the lifestyle of urban women * ages 20-35 years old, and from this group of life-like state based on design and development of apparel, clothing accessories, home arts supplies, design style is romantic, rich,vibram 5 fingers, natural color and color calm, elegant, do not blindly follow fashion but always fashionable, multi-materials with different texture, style, natural fabrics such as cotton, hemp, wool, silk and so on.
    design style is romantic, rich, natural color and color calm, elegant, do not blindly follow fashion but always fashionable, multi-materials with different texture, style, natural fabrics such as cotton, hemp, wool, silk, etc.; whole-heartedly interpretation of the concept of blending with the natural design style emphasizes a single product between rich and casual wear can be used with * to provide a professional group with the concept of clothing the same time, they leave more space for costumes with the another language is more abundant is a major feature of South commoner,mac brushes, the details of practices such as hand embroidery, machine embroidery cloth modeling,mac makeup, hand-painted, offset printing and so on. * Leaves flowers and a decorative flag pattern.
    South commoner (JNBY) whole-hearted interpretation of the concept of blending with the natural style design, emphasizing a single product between the rich and casual wear can be used with * for the groups with the concept of professional dress at the same time, more They left for the costumes with the another space.
    rich language, it is South commoner (JNBY) is a major feature, the details of practices such as hand embroidery, machine embroidery cloth modeling, hand-painted, offset printing and so on. * Leaves flowers and a decorative flag pattern.
    South commoner (JNBY) brand products include apparel, footwear, bags, hats, scarves and so on. Products to the market, with its romantic natural style, winning the favor of many knowledge-F *, the company now has joined in the country with more than five hundred stores, the retail network across Beijing, Tianjin, Changchun, Dalian, Shenyang, Chengdu, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Shanghai,mac makeup wholesale, Wuhan, Changsha, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Haikou and other cities. South commoner the company's business growth, based on the group of outstanding young designers creativity and cooperation and established a successful and sophisticated corporate structure management system. 2000-2001 Company is committed to conduct a new brand enhancement program, a comprehensive import CIS image recognition system, the use of franchises, hoping through the design consistent and continuous improvement of corporate image will JNBY to the world stage.
    South commoner (JNBY) Garments Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Jiangnan commoner's main brand.

    joining conditions:
    a.JNBY provided to the franchisee to become a strong support
    JNBY's franchisee, your company funds for investment in sound basis, to earn a good return, because JNBY will operate in every link to your company to provide support to ensure smooth transfer of intellectual property JNBY this to the area. JNBY franchises for the planning and provision of management consulting and services.
    b. franchise application JNBY way
    1. JNBY received franchises to provide information about China, intends to become a franchisee JNBY personal or business, please prepare a one-year business plan, details of your company / your selected areas in the JNBY consecutive year business development plan. Including when it opened in the first quarter (an annual open season in March or September) monthly sales estimates for six months, the number planning to open stores within one year, the average area per store, each store the amount of investment, operating costs, turnover and revenue budget and funding sources, sent to company headquarters:
    2.JNBY after the receipt of your reply to the audited interview suitable applicants will meet with the matter.
    3. interview your company at the agreed time after the site selection and approval by the JNBY, the two sides signed the franchise agreement, formally launched store business.
    c. capital budget
    franchise fee (a * non-refundable) 3-10 million
    d. JNBY cooperation franchise rules to help your company succeed
    The franchise stores open JNBY business, JNBY for your company and business at the opening after the beginning of the following comprehensive retail professional management training and support.

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