
Experts say the bottom upwards blocked flow mechanism to be unfair

     Guangzhou Daily reported Nov. 3 that we should strive to create a favorable social environment for upward mobility and the atmosphere, so that everyone can cherish a children of farmers in remote areas or urban children, everyone has equal opportunities and increase the space, can be with their own talent and hard work to change fate.
    - Vice President of China Institute of Labour Remuneration Committee Chairman Hanan
    Daily Article lamenting the trend of widening gap between rich and poor becoming more serious,
    early as 2004, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Head of the subject was to alert Lu Xueyi pointed out: In recent years, change the fate of the channel is narrowing. From the bottom of society to the middle class, and more on mobility more and more difficult to do it?
    study were
    knowledge does not necessarily change the fate
    2009, the national college entrance exam number jumped up to 84 million. Why cause more than the number absent, the population gradually reduced, and poor personal performance objective reasons can not be ignored. But media reports, vocational, college and university graduates
    Shandong provincial government departments are now working in the home is transferred to a fairy Zhou Xing. 10 years ago, was born in a rural southwestern Hubei Province Tujia child, was admitted to a well-known universities in Shandong, so life changing. However, in recent years, this myth has become out of print.

    as a national-level poor counties, Zhou folks, can take on a million college tuition, not much. Now the children at home to read technical school or learning a craft, or could go out and earn money.
    ancient times, China's reopening in 1978 after a large number of poor children through a separate entrance onto the road of life. Many people also want our children to study Zaguomaitie. However, this concept is slowly changed.
    the gap caused by rural students taking less
    memory. the reason is the same in college admission. Beijing students to obtain a well-known throughout the country scores higher than that of Beijing University student residence. A survey shows that, in Chongqing city, almost every candidate will have 5 points of a candidate. The number of extra points in 2010 accounted for 17.19% in 2009, is 30%. And rural children have fewer opportunities to obtain extra points.
    Pan Wei, a Beijing University professor set of data confirms this view, the proportion of rural students from Peking University last century 50's, 70% to 1% today. Survey, even at the agriculture-based China Agricultural University, 1999 to 2001, rural students were about 39% in 2007, has fallen to 31%.
    admitted to the university is also difficult to have a good way
    His father is the president of a local school, he often heard his father with emotion, Is typical of his hometown by said to go home before the New Year, villagers cast to praise the vision, hand, feel embarrassed now.
    Li Lun emotion, although the folks who read good books is still the everlasting it is difficult to find a good job.
    migrant workers
    difficult to change the fate of the dream circle
    Long Lehao ​​division so sigh. His childhood family poverty, only cattle at home until the liberation in 1949 in Wuhan, 11-year-old was able to read, Lung Lok House Primary School, in the future and have the opportunity to change fate. He said he was a little doll of rural background, to have today's achievements, in addition to on their own, but also benefit from the opportunity.
    20 years, in rural China,mac makeup wholesale, go out to work to change the destiny, the dream of homecoming has been circulating.
    many young migrant workers It is with such a But then, they clearly recognize that the time has gone gold. With the national economic restructuring, the gradual disappearance of the demographic dividend, the income of wage increase has been seen. Subject to policy restrictions, migrant workers who lack proper social security and welfare of equality with the city, coupled with the expansion of urban-rural gap, the city increased the threshold, further reducing the possibility of migrant workers take root in the city, room for upward mobility and even fewer, displaced people have been
    is a 19-year-old Yang Wangbang Qinzhou an ordinary rural children. When his people are entering the age of college, he had a stone factory in Nanning, with a bombing three years of work experience expert. However, this year he resigned from the monthly wage of 1,500 yuan, looks The reason is to work with is the father of Yang Kuei Dongguan together to work together,
    junior high school graduates to work out the Yangwang Bang said he had not read the material. In his eyes, two years older than his cousin informed. Cousin told him to work out is to see the world, experience the city, the dream of getting rich is not so easy to implement. Pure services can not do the ordinary work of a highly technical jobs to find work, is their sense of the future.
    in 90 eyes after the new generation of migrant workers, the city did not change the fate of their dreams.
    acquired by
    fight the good life is the father
    2009 in the second half, Labor and Employment, Nanjing Customs District, a career management center for the preparation of personnel recruitment, hiring three of four in a Board led by children. According to its interpretation of higher level units, the recruitment of itself is no cause for the establishment, including serving staff and Council staff and workers in children or spouses. This is a system
    In the eyes of high school teachers and students, smart, studious, he is absolutely Tsinghua University, Beijing University of seedling. However, the college entrance examination that year, the fate of a joke with him, he scored from the north line of difference between the sort of admission. Open to one of his father points to the After graduating college in 2003 the King of hearts, also want to earn their own ability and hard work. However, he felt
    heart does not care about the talk about the king, because all this is reality. Students in the heart of the king lacking in outstanding person. But after graduation, students who do not have social resources can only be blind to opportunity.
    civil servants, are designed for his family. His father is what they often call the A college student, the students jokes said: home flush with cash, use the truck out. However, Dad did not want him to take over the business, but the government asked him to do things. The final in his father's guidance and Soon, my father gave him in the Beijing Fourth Ring bought a house.
    Lin states that he had no experience of their peers Just graduated a few years, he flies around good students, most parents rely on the economic, relations be strong backing. Find a job, buy a house, a car, which one is missing the support of parents will not work.
    According to The management of the children are not employed only 15%.
    expert interviews
    flow mechanism is not fair
    modernization has backwards dangerous
    Gu Jun of Shanghai University sociology professor, said: The reality,mac brushes, at present, hampered mobility among the various sectors the situation is there. especially farmers and children of families of migrant workers, to achieve upward mobility through education less and less power, costs more and more, the channel has narrowed the trend.
    stock and property speculation, and get the GEM, these people have changed their destiny. situation is different. Growing need for resources to survive a person, no family background and social resources of people, more and more difficult to change their destiny.
    example, he said, and now students to some of the financial unit candidates are required to complete a family table, can not be admitted, when completing the form, it has been sealed. The Tangjialing those
    how the flow of what is reasonable? Gu Jun said: Gu Chun some concerns: mainly economic resources, organizational and cultural resources of three. In other countries, three kinds of resources are often united in the hands of certain minority groups, income, power, prestige, are generally consistent, unified the three. China in the 20th century Before the mid-90s, three resources are not unified. cadres have the right, but its income and cultural resources, relatively small; intellectuals turned out to be a prestigious cultural, social reputation is good, but the right is too small, too much money less; owner money, but the lack of prestige and power resources, 20 80s boss saying: poor that only money.
    Some people buy a car, live in the apartment. The owner of the Dr. a lot, a lot also when on the CPPCC members and deputies. three social resources, but fair, just and reasonable not doing enough. channels open enough, such as the hukou system card with the farmers in addition to the children of the university entrance exam this road, no other channels of upward mobility, even if out of work, or a farmer Workers. social status, social mobility patterns showing the coexistence of old and new mechanisms for the dual nature of social mobility features.
    he cautioned that the concentration of social resources, and subsequent reforms have not kept pace, accounts, jobs, largely stuck with the personnel system, channels of social mobility and the risk of being closed.
    for a society: the movement of persons at different levels, is conducive to the social harmony. Flow more active, more flow channels, usually the more dynamic society. On the contrary, if China can not be formed in the fair, reasonable and open social class structure and social mobility mechanisms, may lead to social structural contradictions, the modernization of the Chinese economy is facing difficulties, and even retrogression dangerous.
    flow really reduced?
    March this year, received an interview, Lu Xueyi that his current division of social class structure has not changed. This is a class by the state and social administrators, managers, private entrepreneurs, professionals, officers, individual businesses,vibram 5 fingers, business services staff, industrial workers, agricultural workers and other unemployed persons and unemployment half ten Classes. However, the number is different. Increase in the number of middle class.
    Lu Xueyi said, according to his statistics show that in recent years, Chinese society is accelerating down the flow, flow from the bottom middle of the staff, estimated seven million people every year, basically a year increased from 7 million to 8 million of the middle class. He said that now nearly one million every year the boss (private entrepreneurs). The history, the average annual increase of only 50 million, most of these bosses are in the middle. At the same time, now more than 100 million annual increase in individual business, assume that 20% to 30% of the middle class, that every year there are 300,000 into the middle. Aquaculture and agriculture specialized households, total more than 100 million people at least, this is not a small sum.
    However, the view of Lu Xueyi, Gu Chun put forward different views.
    is like a spiral, like rotation, was thrown outside. / p>

    year, 7 million people in Hubei Province, the civil service exam. The picture shows the candidates into the test center, Building 11, Central University for Nationalities. Tang Zhenhua Photo
    background as to increase the development impact of acquired, among the bottom upward mobility difficulties -
    1. Children of farmers also
    Xiao Mei in Beijing recently to do the extra domestic troubles. Far from home in Sichuan Guanghan the son of middle school, was admitted to a county where the focus of high school. Is to allow his son to high school, university entrance exams? Or simply to read a technical school, two years out to work?
    Xiao Mei services to families are two retired teachers, who urged Xiao Mei must let his son to study, because The two old teacher is also a native of Sichuan, his daughter was admitted to Peking University in 1988, then entered the national authorities, is now a house and a car and office, and went to her family enjoy a happy life. However, She has her own difficulties. Son, a good academic record may not be admitted to such top schools of Peking University. Sichuan Province, admitted only if the end of college, parents who work hard for their reading of the book 7 years, the future may still find a good job.
    no work, not necessarily earn more than me. Meanwhile, Xiao Mei also in Beijing and Sichuan to find a suitable technical schools. the best option.
    trend channels are narrower.
    different levels of society, the movement of persons is conducive to the social harmony. Especially from the income and status of the lower level to higher levels of flow, flow more active, more flow channels, usually the more dynamic society.
    modern society, education is the key to achieving different levels of flow channels. In 1978, China resumed university entrance examination. Since then, a large number of poor families of young people through the entrance, so that In many rural families, no matter how poor is expected to go to college but also for the children to study. However, this situation has changed in recent years.
    students at Renmin University of China, the person in charge said that the early 90s of last century, about half of home school students in rural areas in the township, and now this proportion has declined markedly. Earlier, China Agricultural University, the proportion of new urban and rural survey, from 1999 to 2001 were 39% of rural students is about 2007 has fallen to 31%. Nankai University, a data show that in 2006 the proportion of school students in rural areas about 30%, 24% in 2008.
    the Renmin University of China believe that the decline in this ratio from the After 1999, university enrollment in general, go to college and opportunity schools is an increase in volume terms. At the same time, a substantial increase in the level of college tuition. a lot. On the other hand, college students began the difficult employment. This makes the
    families of farmers and improve the lives of migrant workers is another channel. It is with many migrant workers have such a dream into the city. However, the wages of migrant workers remained at a relatively low level long-term, most people lack proper social security, so the upward mobility of the space is very small. The expansion of urban-rural gap, further reducing the possibility of the city of migrant workers to take root.
    2. Employment, ability to fight or fight
    employment, mobility between different groups is to achieve an important part. When the farmer or a lawyer, street to street to sell insurance or light and spacious air-conditioned room in the bank work in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai-Canton has a stable job or do
    Wu Lexia after graduation under a certain ministries and institutions for 6 years, has been Great cut, and no opportunities for further development. unit leadership relative.
    Tang central enterprises in a military human resources work to do. conditions almost certainly will move the greeting. background did not focus on enterprise in Inner Mongolia, Guizhou, branches, and to stay in Beijing and other places with better conditions at Headquarters as well as some research institutes or higher-income two companies, more or less care than people.
    For this reason, the last two years have been a number of experts noted that the current main employment discrimination, not gender discrimination, hepatitis B discrimination, age discrimination, but in the course of employment Relations
    Through this survey can be seen in After graduating from the student point of view the employment situation six months, children of farmers and migrant workers, 35% of graduates not employed, the management of their children is not much higher than 15% of employment. Quality of employment is also at a disadvantage, 2008,2009 two graduates of the farmers and children of migrant workers average monthly salary in the six months after graduating from all walks of life were ranked last in the first and second place.
    Chinese Academy of Social Sciences report entitled This level of education in his father fixed independent variable circumstances, children become cadres, cadres and the opportunity to children of non-cadres, more than 2 times.
    experts believe that when family background as a rising course of employment children of the rich resources of the family, you can easily get decent jobs, higher incomes and a broader space for development. This situation not only affects the employment fair, in today's employment situation is grim situation, exacerbated by the bottom of society to the middle class, and more on mobility more difficult.
    our current household registration system and population management system to further strengthen some of this discrimination in employment. Recently, for the city of Beijing to recruit 740 civil service posts, clearly stipulates the scope of the exam staff is not including the 2010 graduates of non-Beijing students and file remain in the account of non-Beijing students previous school graduates. . But people have grown accustomed to the contrary, the first thought is to think hard to find the relationship between operations, so that the children meet the recruitment conditions.
    3. Get everyone to cherish a p> the reasons for the poor will become poorer, the rich will become richer reason?
    indeed growing. We must attach great importance to one aspect of inequality, break more barriers.
    However, for many ordinary people, they would not be so rational analysis.
    - According to the survey, the second generation of migrant workers, their parents, almost all farmers or migrant workers, was only a very few towns or rural cadres, teachers, doctors and other public officers. Currently, migrant workers are a group of urban low-income.
    - 20-year-old chairman of an investment company, 22-year-old real estate business owners ... ... The parents not only allowed to have a good educational resources, and even local governments to spend money on training
    - three generations in civil aviation, when the family dry power - was dubbed In a number of local monopolies, are vacant positions usually do not recruit to the public, often within the recommended candidates are selected.
    - relatively transparent recruitment of civil servants, but all public institutions do not recruit, Jiangxi Wuning had had some institutions allow only jobs available section-level cadres of the county apply for children or family members.
    experts pointed out that Curing not only affects the level of social activity, but also affect stability. Only by achieving positive social mobility, the rapid advance in society can maintain stability and balance.
    how to make more smooth channel for upward mobility? Hanan think the first thing is to break the barriers of urban and rural division, for years to change the urban-rural dual structure. The key point is to reform the household registration system, reducing the shackles of household labor, and the negative effects of population movements. The second is to promote equalization of public services overall, especially in education, health care, equalization of social security services. The field of public service reform and measures should first consider vulnerable groups, rather than take care of this last part of the population. Public services between urban and rural areas should be as uniform as possible, do not let the children in rural areas lag behind at the starting line on a big slice. The third is building in human resources market, get rid of unreasonable barriers and discriminatory policies and measures, in particular those who break the monopoly of industry, power sector employment barriers, to prevent inbreeding, as far as possible to achieve employment equity. Should be through the improvement of national laws and regulations, the recruitment behavior of employers bound to strengthen the supervision and correct discriminatory hiring behavior. The fourth is to deepen the reform of distribution system, so that wealth is more to the workers, especially front-line workers tilt, while the gray against the abuse of power and income. In addition, the cadres should further deepen reform and appointment system.
    Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued a document for future students Department who are also committed to an open audition following the civil service after 2012, all of the country's public institutions will be open audition. These measures contribute to a fair and just been generally welcomed.
    Hanan said that China is still in an era of more intense social change, class structure will certainly change, the key is in what direction. children of farmers and urban residents in their children, everyone has equal opportunities and increase the space, may by virtue of their talent and hard work to change fate. Only in this way, the sustainable development of China's future is guaranteed. )
    the hope that return the / p>
    70-year-old farmer in Henan had been quite in the old comfortable way. Hardships,mac makeup, the old way for the younger son finally went to college. Children graduated to stay in Beijing, although only a small staff, allowing an old married couple's pension were available, the other three brothers when the farmers to build a house, a doctor, and he a hand.
    old Cheng said, the village of a similar age old buddies, are also
    to recent years, the cozy old way was gradually away from it all - a very young age grandchildren all went to town to work it! He asked: Seeing that his grandchildren can be involved in the city, Gradually the old way did not face a smile.
    the mentality of the old process, but also present many real confused.
    poor family but also through a personal struggle to change the children of fate?
    a society will inevitably lead to class differentiation. It is this Like the old way home that, even if only one person Up the

    However, if the lack of a mechanism can flow, and if members of society, born to be branded a rather than individual ability to determine the success of his life, then the socially vulnerable groups in the political, economic and cultural fields has always been marginalized. Deep disappointment will lead to a strong sense of deprivation, and On the other hand, are in lack of competition An Lequn of the dominant social status of the powerful, vested interests tend to only care about whether the stable, and not really concerned about the obstruction in some aspects of economic and social progress.
    the trend of widening gap between rich and poor becoming more serious,
    the hope that return the
    (This article Source: Dayang - Guangzhou Daily Author: Duan Na)

