
mac makeup

    13. Pvt blues (2)

    most impressed by your memories of first love what is it? I do not know what, I open the door when the film is a small sleepy awakened from a dreamless. Why do I always say that small shadow is indeed a small shadow, because she does not like other girls. ?

    home homework knock the door of her when she woke up as yet?? she really wearing a nightgown. ?

    it so light sentence, then the small shadow unique fragrance. ?

    her white arm with two arms around my neck, as if the cat was still sleeping, like his head on my shoulder. Then close your eyes out. The worst is that there are subtle actually snoring. Trace of her hair attached to my chin itch, and savory. ?

    I then stood innocently in uniform female dormitory corridor inside, little impact pajamas lying on a nap on my shoulder. ?

    Alas wonderful thing we have such a girl who let it? ?? Really, I tell you what kind of girl most cherished? Not shed out like you said, just do not take you as an outsider with my family, I've seen a girl that is a small shadow. ?

    tears filled my belly full of grievances and stomach do not know where to run, the light that just standing. Sleep really quite small shadow of incense, but also to the one-sided feeling, I quickly hugged her. ?? You think about female soldiers in the military quarters of total hospital corridor which is what this scene? ! ?

    cadres and female soldiers coming and going at me of course, music, and even sweep the corridor's aunt fun at me. I immediately realized that erupted in the shadow of my love not only with a small brigade in the dog's head is one of the things of God, in this surprising in the Military General Hospital also had a few came up 10. In fact, I am God I am not false gods, or the small shadow of God. ?

    small shadow skateboarding, I quickly went down to hold her tighter. Opposite this time the sound of flushing toilets, a female dressed in pajamas still yawning from the inside out, a small shadow to see me and did not end that way yawn right back to the pharynx. I guess she really is uncomfortable. ? Hey I

    music, how can I do? She was giggling a little to shoot video, I quickly said:

    I dare not speak. The female to her mouth music, and then a whisper You know what I mean: Hey music

    I nodded. ?

    ? you know what it feels like? I feel even harder than moving logs?? Because you just made of logs, ah, that right? Who is this? Small video ah! Do you dare to casually make it? Big effort for the birds to use ah? ?

    I was shocked into a female dormitory almost did not immediately fainted! I know that after the mess what shall I describe the feeling?? Is the That means a bunk bed for a female: I looked in the bed of a small hand-made basket, lay the bouquet of dried wild orchids, and a small black mud monkey holding this bundle of wild orchids, next to the little card said: ?

    my nose on a sour, tears fell Bata small shadow face. I quickly rubbed, but a delicate touch her face, once I get out of. My hand really is too rough, and I fear hurting her. But it was too late, the small video is inherently a delicate white skin girl. She frowned:

    Fei?? that female soldiers are combing the hair and laughed:

    small shadow to sleep again, but that drops of tears slowly slid her lips. Salty. Her frown?? I then really regret how this can be won, a small shadow on the night just to sleep a night, how to wake up, I knew I doing here ah? ! Alas I really regret regret! Small shadow of his lips twice, confused in his sleep:

    I dare not speak. Little or no eye opening film:

    Fei Puchi on the music, but immediately covered her mouth. Minzui small shadow and immediately opened his eyes suddenly, I was shocked, I hit back and hide the upper bed bang on the shelf, but I do not really feel any pain because the hammer fist. Small video with all the strength concentrated in their throat screaming, but it is absolutely called out, I guess all the Military General Hospital of heart this time people will relapse: She immediately rushed to

    hugged me biting my shoulder cry randomly:

    I said: I endured. I know that biting hurts me more is that she thought me more pain, in fact, that killed me I am willing. ?? Say the PLA Army special forces are not afraid of death, lovely girl in what is great bite bite? ! Jin small shadow of the teeth is not an ordinary big ah! I bite persisted even suck down air-conditioning:

    Fei laughed, picked up their uniforms and other clothes: ?

    small shadow was still crying and biting me. Adhere to Hang! I guess my face was red choke. Sudden release of small shadow mouth, look at me gasped:

    I shook my head:

    afraid of you! I'm looking forward to you every day,mac makeup! I thought it was a dream! you know do not know how much I worry about you, ah!

    I hugged her:

    small shadow whining crying piteously, like well-behaved with cats?? girls sometimes like this, but the extremely small shadow is a little easier?? because she is her, not the others. I tear down the pit:


    I said:

    She looked up at me, miserable faces, a tear:

    I would laugh, wanted to wipe her tears hand. But the right hand in the air and stopped. I know my hands are too rough, she will hurt. Small shadow grabbed my hand across his face. I quickly pumping hands, but pumping open. She looked at me firmly that my hand on her face. Then the tears to the eyes looking at me flowers. ?

    me in her eyes, saw his 18-year-old.

    14. Pvt Blues (3) [this chapter, Words: 2793 Last updated :2008 -06-20 09:19:06.0]

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    ? Mixed by a bunch of girls

    guess you have had this experience, but the joint hearing by a group of female experience I do not know how many people have had. Anyway, I was thinking that never again, even let me go back to being a head high school team storms hammer female Mixed meal was stronger than that. I really think back to the lawlessness of his grandmother! Around a group of female Army special forces in China twitter dignified smile hee hee. But for you what you do? My thoughts are wild idea to think of it afterwards, when alone with their views, is nervous. I can only sweating Shaleshayue asked wisdom for wisdom for that. ?

    Fei is their head seems, is the rank of private first class. The other is a pile of small Pvt. However, due to gender advantage with a small shadow of his comrades and sisters, so the absolute position higher than me. Field Army, I still understand the reason, I am not a fool. Small shadow also sit on the bed in pajamas with a smile I was the trial?? She later told me that people already have this requirement, and the people say the military leadership of the party, Fei is the only party member, speaking majority, even the small shadow unanimously agreed that, so I had to endure the trial. ?? Is to see in a small film like this group of child soldiers, I fear I cry with her sake I have to endure the trial ah! ?


    ? I was wondering what

    result, female soldiers have taken out another few lines:

    I did not react, but also a female soldier took several letters: Puchi Fun Little Movies, it seems this is a good plan to discuss them. Fei looked to me: Fei: Hey I



    I can not:

    small film music:

    with the bad you have to!

    I nodded. ?


    female have to have laughed. ?

    have nothing to ask! you keep it,mac brushes, we do not grab with you!

    small shadow to smile at her:

    Fei laughed:


    Fei blocked off:

    Fei to conspire small shadow ear whispered a few words. ?

    The girls smiled and greeted a small Fei Haha out. The door closed. I'm embarrassed. ?

    I sat on a chair:

    me laugh. ?

    I was in the past, the degree can be good police dogs through the large squadron Yipin. ?

    I picked. Small shadow of the eyes stayed. I do not know what she spent. Small shadow's hand gently stroked my head, stay on in a scar. ?

    I nodded. ?


    she hold me over, leaned my head on her arms, I close my eyes, feeling her fragrance. ?

    her tears with this sigh to pit-fall on my face. Hey I'm a music: ?

    I smile, I can decide which is it? ?


    I cried, silent. Our tears flow together. ?

    I go home. I know this is my home, my safe home forever. We did not talk about exercise, there is no talk about death. But I know she knew, also know very clearly. So she would be so distressed me. Only a small shadow would really distressed me. I know, only she would care about me. I slightly opened his eyes and saw her flushed face. She laughed, tears still inside the eye. ?

    I laughed:

    Here are biscuits.

    I shook my head. I'm really hungry, in her arms, what pain is gone, this is my happiest moment. ?

    I Yizheng. Look at her, very seriously, blush scarred. ?

    she asked. ?? Tell the truth? Think! I do not want people? ! I do not speak. ?

    I see her to touch the pillow Fei What?? I certainly know what it is. ?

    Small shadow smiled back:


    she wondered to see me. ?


    small shadow turned around to see me. ?

    small shadow at me, tears began to flash. ?

    I need not tell her how much I suffer, to see my scars she already knew. Small shadow close your eyes, tears slid down. What can I say to her suffering, because our discipline is the training of all are confidential, the more exercise is confidential. Relationship with the special forces as long as there are with the security classification of the. Our disciplined as long as the base to the range are not allowed to wear armbands to seize that action. So no one knows us, no one knows what we are eating bitterness. ?

    I even can not say the little shadow. Understand their own small shadow. She cried silently for a moment, bowed his head opened his eyes:

    Small shadow came slowly, hold me in your warm arms. I do not need anything out. True. As long as she hugged me, I cried silently for a while.

    15. Pvt Blues (4) [chapter number of words: 3180 Last updated :2008 -06-20 09:19:36.0]

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    do not know how long, maybe a long time, but I always feel time is too short is too short. Gently knock on the door outside, Fei on the outside:

    I will get up, she hold me: She scraped my face:


    I nodded and smiled. Fei cover your mouth:

    I quickly turn away quietly. I heard a small shadow?? To change clothes. My peripheral vision to see Fei surprised to see me, and then at a small film, small film also gave her a hammer. Fei nodded mysteriously:

    ah will be back!

    I nodded and smiled:

    small shadow to laugh:

    she turned out. Fei told me in the house. This is the first time since I joined the army and with the exception of the first film outside the girl alone. Do you think you can describe it with the embarrassment it? ?

    I took it, and drank a small mouth. Fei to see me:

    I nodded:

    Fei carefully looked me:

    Fei to pull up a chair to sit back:


    I choke a little coke. ?

    Special Forces in the end to see what you like! In addition, the resort to fire a gun, you have that gun I've seen on TV, have not played! you talk with your boss?

    my head on the big,vibram 5 fingers, and I count ass ah? Who with? Direct leadership of a head high school team? Do not care about the subject directly to hammer out the first lesson on the fighting talk? Captain? It was not leapfrog report? Returning to my birds, but the principle of military personnel involved in this thing, I usually do not. Besides the captain may not agree with ah! ?


    So Niua? I looked at her. She no longer say this: the

    I nodded and said:

    I honestly say that in order

    small shadow. She sighs: ?

    I gave choke a little, have not had time to speak, a small shadow came face smiled:

    I looked at her back. ?






    The asked me to think of it:

    Small shadow laughed: I took out my bag, the bag of the good gifts out:

    I am a bit lost, but still did not say, I have become silent in front of girls. She saw me do not ask her to Duzui out. I understand there is experience, after all, and then there is also a silly idea in the past:

    Du Zhuozui

    her with the children. I laughed:


    I help her down. ?


    I saw her eyes and tears inside, immediately sit down. ?


    small shadow:

    she covered her mouth,mac makeup wholesale, cry out. I quickly took her back:

    She nodded her head, let go, Pei Peipei a few times. And smiled like a child?? I like the girl crying and laughing, because the small film, I think the girl's face to be fickle, have fun. ?

    A white dress. She laughed. ?


    the concept of the season? Troops that sets uniform. ?

    Of course I know, this is my allowance for nearly 10 months. It did not take a point, is to buy gifts for the little shadow. At that time the army, and more fucking Qionga! Cried a small shadow to hold me still:

    I said:


    I do not speak to himself, said the purchase had to buy a fucking matter ah? ?

    her uniform off, I quickly closed my eyes. While, I heard her say:

    I open my eyes. If the fairy world, then really, is the day. Small shadow, white dress. Fairy, who else does? ?
    I laughed, I thought the United States. Because, my little fairy is shadow. ?

