
Cup Wears Prada

     Cup Wears Prada - not what they thought of Feedback

    whenever the movies, personal point of view is always not the same, one old and one less Jieliang Prada movie to me, for something that is cursory fashion, everyone looked very compelling, When I look at a celebrity fashion show subtitles. But caused me to think about some things, is about how do you choose your path in life, how you look at your chosen career and life, how to treat the number of people tired of money hand one way to go throw the package must be installed rejection sunglasses to force people (others said: put more money vulgar, people are now eight children's fashion, well, fashion, whatever ... ...), or a poor night in the pub ha ha one bottle of beer is also distressed figure of fun cheese $ 8 ordinary people. Life is so different, each have their own happiness, but always similar to the tragic, such as to divorce the old Prada, and forced to break up with her boyfriend a small Prada.

    It made me think I spent two days in 1900 to buy the electric ocean crazy look on paper books, enough to buy a huge house, in my view the power of paper in your book, and she is not poor,mac brushes, leaving only the money, she has the quality of the work of the world's top 500, her ability, interpersonal relationships, the logic of looking at things are completely and mediocre different. She's confused and fun shows a worldwide problem and the century, what is happiness?

    difficult to answer this question, because things are always not be qualitative, such as the ability to super lesbian students also want a happy and stable life, and love living with her boyfriend's little blue sweater Prada also want a certain career achievements. Career and life, always need to balance, not just a second election.

    so envious of successful people who are always eating caviar ordinary people have extraordinary joy, and those out of the bar every day is a luxury car splashed water, in addition to complain, do not the least bit higher among levels of desire? For me, deep down, the inevitable annual salary of 10 million and then not choose to lose all joy of life, of course, would not choose to 5 million annual salary, could only drink beer with friends. Maybe I hope that life is 50 million annual salary, and sometimes overtime, but more energy and their families, has a certain expertise and social relations, but it can still open at midnight to eat watermelon. This is my deepest dream of human shame that a small middle class.

    this little dream of tempting and beautiful, but few people seem to be truly wise. To the middle class who always think, if I make further efforts, is the major production, so big deal if misfortune gyrus production, but if you're just in the middle, then you will accidentally catch the bus into the civilian population. This is the material needs of each person naked.

    so lofty that you can, cut, and I would not make too much money. Why buy a car, I think the bus is environmentally friendly and happy.

    Thus, the first story began. Yes ah, we are young, we have nothing yet have it all. Paint your college poetry, romantic, and loaded to force you concerned about current affairs art, always concerned about the survival of hawker stalls, hate corruption. You just do not want to be a civil servant flattery, is not willing to work overtime in the 500 day along with 14 other people died from overwork even jump. Necessarily with the nature of your life and good. Free school of arts painting paintings, backpack, travel special happy poor. Right ah, power and money, things are bound hands and feet of people. So, when you're 40, work, and you and your wife crammed like sardines and the same bus, take your son from school, a family of three to catch the bus back. When your son wants to go to a better school, you find that you're going to find a good school principal, is not as good as the original score big your ordinary student, he now open a Audi as the principal. You find that your talent and mind to catch the bus struck a 20-year-old girl, but not to an ordinary family with his wife have a son even if the material needs a little bit more. Your son wants a toy in your pocket only a few hundred dollars, but also over half of it. Your wife like a beautiful dress you can afford it? Of course, we can buy discounted goods, right? But your wife will attend a class reunion, she will see her former students who are not married a pretty wealthy bought her a LV brand-name clothes, dressed his voice, and even big money is not the earth, great people That paragraph, however gentle, holding cocktails, and a look of humility, but also those who die like a dog wearing the. And your wife with a famous university student, now wearing a discounted goods. Then she does the best memories, what? Yes, that is young and very green with you crowded bus.

    So, let's look at the second story. You are a famous student, the eyes of the lucky relatives. Ever since you went to college, every year 4.0 credit hour, when the student council president, or government agency or go after the Fortune 500, more cattle to cross the fork of a number of cattle, must ah, your resume shiny, your capability is unsurpassed. You can be completed in 1 hour summary of 1000 words can be more than 90 points per course, but also an expert in community activities, personal relationships and insidious get along very well. Then your business was flourishing, is time again to 40 years old, you have two houses, a Mercedes-Benz, if you are under the big day will be corrupt, then send something flattering to you, if you are the words of 500 executives, the wife wanted to go Let soon travel to book a first class assistant is no problem. But your worry is where? As you work 25 hours a day, not attend to at home, your son into a dude, and students every day in addition to student ratio than the brand or brands, and, of course, and must make sure your hard-earned money, your son and acted out how future? Of course you can casually say hello to let your son on the city's best schools, or even college graduate or more powerful then, but you can not avoid the result is always your son a famous bottom, carry an Armani to think of themselves as Fu II, out of a still scum. Of course, the more trouble you or your wife, if your wife honestly never dressed like a nanny vegetables every day to buy food, Congratulations, you just will be up to her one day too fishy smell and taste food rustic dress, and then contemplating whether to pack a small three. But if your wife one day, 40 years old and still gorgeously dressed famous, then I'm sorry, in addition to playing mahjong lost gold every day she probably wearing a green hat to you, good luck and may also contain a small guy. Ever since, you most envy, those who work with couples talking and laughing catch the bus, how ordinary and happy life, of course, but also environmentally friendly.

    each of you choose a life, there it is unknown pain, MO want to take advantage everywhere, always good, you may eventually taste the bitter fruit, and if you are satisfied, there are always happy. If you are nature-loving cause, perhaps you will prefer 500 days, even if your head with a green hat plus a little dude,vibram 5 fingers, at least, you eat Italian food, drink Starbucks, from morning till evening's colleagues are so there the quality of English with Chinese sandwiched said meeting is a Your happiness comes from the general. It is desirable not only obsessed with power and money, there are all kinds of magnificent beauty, such as high-quality colleagues, such as the airport's VIP lounge, as well as elegant and comfortable living, senior apartments, flat panel TV wall and floor to ceiling windows and large sofa in the evening standing in front windows sound good on the road to see the bus coming and going green.

    , of course, should you prefer the ordinary life, though you will inevitably squeeze environmentally friendly buses, however, go home, you find that you and your wife and kids all came good, and your children Although there is no background can not enter the best schools,mac makeup, but he studied hard and accomplishments, no bad habits are not visiting the club, the biggest hobby is watching movies and listening to music, do not complain about your children have not fared well at home, though a bit inward, but the kind and honest, is really a sensible boy. Your wife is also willing to accompany you willing to catch the bus, wife and mother to cook for you, in bed at night snail (small house, so no couch) was in your arms and you watch a pirated Hollywood movies, two people Xiao Hehe. So you think your child has serious homework in the next. This kind of life, seems do not have any trouble. The weekend you go to the supermarket to buy the cheapest discounted goods, McDonald's eating a meal together, a pirated DVD for Shunpian Mai the night to see, and then happily get a free bus crowded the supermarket back home, of course, as you May, the bus is always environmentally friendly.

    So this is the truth of our life after a number of years, rich, decadent, poverty, and innocence. So, my little dreams of the middle class? You know? My vulgar, being disgraced, and so there is no ideal the pursuit of the middle class is not a small dream? Well, let us continue to the third story. Your college career, there are waves of calm. 3.3 credits are nothing more hungry people. Mixed with a small position in society, mediocrity, the most fun is the community go out to play. So you work, good luck admitted to the civil service filled Sahua, or into a medium-sized private enterprises in foreign companies as a small staff,mac makeup wholesale, of course, graduate schools Buzhi Yu suffer so much, it is estimated that a little over two years, the Director or Manager of a small the. Do you have some expertise, but wait until the penny is almost a little complacent, until the 40-year-old, who almost skin, and lacks the work of passion, and also do our own work, house it, the total deposits squandered it is a loan or have set a good house, bought a car wound Honda, feel good. Weekend a little spare cash to open a small Honda, a picnic to the suburbs, once a year might even bleeding to trip the European Tour. Sort of a small living room, sofa is not as new, TV is not good not bad, everything is so moderate. Son, smart but naughty is not always learn from it, flattening out of the middle grades, spend money to hire a teacher lacks a guidance effect. My wife will like it, and occasionally like to play mahjong, lost their money and feel bad, and occasionally like to buy luxury goods, and then his heart began to bleed. When driving out together, always admired beautiful Mercedes-Benz, but that can not afford a Mercedes-Benz teeth itch but can not find any good reason, then a bus to open up, you cursed my heart, what a good Mercedes, ah, displacement is not as big as environmental protection, environmental protection do not like buses.

    perhaps, 80% of people will be the third since the end of life, an end to the tragic outcome is that neither death nor to the gorgeous calm life. Little enough to spend a little money but the overall feeling of calm life.

    , of course, the first two storms of life are more, more favored by the literature, because the conflict created a dramatic, dramatic create art. The third doctrine of life will be blamed, not only do not understand ordinary happy and do not know the ultimate peak. But then, basically I think most of the cup with the result because there is no self-knowledge. Want to be Van Gogh or a Warren Buffett, you must first have the kind of strength plus luck. Unfortunately, in general, it is difficult. You can diligently pursue what you think of the noble, loyal, ideal life goals, but, do the wrong direction. Otherwise, it becomes the cup with a better wear Prada, if only into a cup, but wood has the Prada, that'll be terrible.

